Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spanish Civil War Veteran to Speak in Dublin

Bob Doyle - who fought for dermocracy and against facism in the Spanish Civil War is speaking in Dublin on Friday March 23rd in the ATGWU Hall in Middle Abbey Street. He is the headline speaker at this years Connolly Festival - which is held by the Labour Movement in commemoration of James Connolly.

The rest of the line up is

Friday March 23rd

  • 5.30pm End the US Blockade of Cuba - Cuban Ambassador Noel Carrillo

  • 7pm Spanish Civil War Veteran Speaks Bob Doyle last surviving Irish veteran who fought on the republican side in the Spanish Civil War.

Saturday March 24th

  • 10 am Campaigning for Travellers Rights Cllr. Declan Bree

  • 11.30 Justice for Terrence Wheelock Featuring Terrence's brother Larry Wheelock. Terrence died as a result of injuries received in Garda Custody

  • 2 pm National Anti-War Demonstration Fianna Fail Ard Fheis Assemble 2pm Lidl Car Park CityWest

  • 8 pm Connolly SocialOuthouse 105 Capel Street - 5 euro admission all proceeds from social to Labour LGBT

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Labour Youth call for free contraception

Responding to Health Minister Mary Harney’s statement earlier this week that she would consider lifting VAT on condoms, labour Youth have called on the Government to introduce universal provision of free contraception.

Labour Youth Vice-Chair, Neil Ward, commented “Condoms are more expensive in Ireland than in any other European country. To redress the balance Labour Youth called for provision of free contraception in our pre-budget submission of November last year.

“If the Government is serious about tackling Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), then they must show their commitment by not simply lifting VAT on condoms, but by providing them free of charge.

“Labour Youth believe that the state should help ensure that all citizens are protected from STIs and unplanned pregnancies by making contraception available without cost to the individual.”


For further information please contact Neil Ward 085 713 4159

Thursday, March 01, 2007

End the blood ban on Gay men

Student Protest
Members of Labour Youth came out to supprt the protest about the blood ban operated by the Department of Health on Gay men.

It is now widely accepted that the best way to ensure a safe blood supply is to refuse blood from anyone engaged in high risk behaviour - rather than the current situation where hetrosexuals engaged in high risk promiscuous sexual activity will have their blood accepted while gay men involved low risk monogamous relationships will have their blood refused.
This ongoing disrcrimination by the Department of Health helps to perpetuate ignorance about HIV risk.

Members of USI, LGBT societies in several colleges, Labour Youth and Labour LGBT joined the protest.